New Leader
Currently Eating: Raspberry Yogurt
Well, we have a new Prime Minister today. Stephen Harper is his name. I don’t have too much to share about it – but it’s a good thing. He looks more like a robot than our old Prime Minister, and that’s a good thing, because when your national leader looks like a well-oiled machine, it instills fear into all the other countries around the globe. On a serious note – he brings a semi-Christian worldview to our government, which Canada needs right now. Like I said, not too much to say about it – but ‘hooray’ for Stephen Harper.
Hey Cam,
I don't really have a comment on the whole "Harper" thing - personally haha I voted green party this year as I wasn't really a fan of any of the major parties. Who knows what I'll vote in 6 months when we have another election. I keep starting blogs and then forgeting to update them - so I'll maybe get a real one going - I think it's time. You have inspired me. Anyhow - I miss you - I have been thinking about you two lately.
I hope you are well. Talk to you later.
Posted by Anonymous | 6:35 AM