New World

Currently Reading: Velvet Elvis – Rob Bell
The blog world is interesting. Is our world in such a search for significance that we are willing to put all of our deepest thoughts on the web for all to see – in hopes that someone, somewhere will find our thoughts worth reading? Are we so desperate to be noticed that we prostitute our thoughts for the sake of being recognized? I think so.
I am entering this world for a few reasons. First of all, I like most who blog, find my thoughts worthwhile and write in hopes that something I say may help someone along their journey and search for meaning. Secondly, I see this as a way to keep my thoughts in order. If I take the time to write my feelings down, perhaps I can figure out what I truly think. Thirdly, I see this as a way to ‘keep in touch’ with those I love without needing to write letters, stamp and send them to everyone. If you read my thoughts and I read yours, we may become closer than we’ve ever been. And lastly, I have nothing better to do. In some sense that’s true.
So, please enjoy – if anyone is actually reading. I hope that we can laugh together, talk about life together, and learn something through this process.
Talk to you soon.